
Animals Decorating A Christmas Tree

Variations on a Theme


Variations on a Theme

A tree is a staple in many houses this time of year, and families often look forward to the traditions that come with it—the garlands, tinsel, lights, and decorations that bring memories of past holidays. But for some tannenbaum-trimmers, a Christmas tree offers an opportunity to exercise their creativity, to make something that is truly all their own. Here are 11 nontraditional trees sure to put a smile on your face!

Dripping With Gingerbread


Gingerbread Christmas Tree

To eat or not to eat? Decorated with gingerbread cookies and houses, this tree presents a huge temptation for anyone with a sweet tooth. In our opinion, the best part is that there's no need to carefully pack away the ornaments for next year—just invite some friends over to eat the cookies and you're done!

A Blue Christmas


Blue Christmas Tree

Pick your favorite color and go crazy from top to bottom. Tinsel, garland, lights, and ornaments of a single hue make for a tree that stands out. Take this idea to the next level by wrapping, ribbon-ing, and bow-ing your gifts in the same color.


Nautical (but Nice!)


Christmas at the Beach

Whether or not the beach is nearby, you can decorate your tree with shells and sea animals to pay tribute to sunny, sandy climes. While the tree here is decorated with faux sea finds, we think it would be nice to revisit your summer vacation and fashion ornaments from the shells, sand dollars, and driftwood you scavenged at the beach.

Party On!


Crazy Christmas Tree

With a pseudo-firework shooting out the top, this tree is the perfect centerpiece for a festive holiday season. The unique color choice lends this tree a celebratory theme and will be just as at home at your New Year's Eve party as it is at Christmas.

Fun With Fonts on Firs


Letters on a Christmas Tree

Really into monogramming? This is the tree for you. Find unique ways to display your chosen letters—we think old typewriter keys would add a rustic tone befitting the holidays.

Peppermint Tree


Peppermint Christmas Tree

From winter wonderland to peppermint paradise, this red and white tree is full of peppermint swirls (and the occasional gingerbread house), sending visions of sugarplums dancing in your head. Make sure to include plenty of candy canes so your houseguests can quench the peppermint craving that's sure to ensue.

Animals on Parade


Animal Themed Christmas Tree

Fill your tree with bird ornaments (and maybe even a squirrel or two) to give a nod to a fir tree's life outside the home. While a tree full of birds is a natural choice, sharks, turtles, or snakes might make for a more "out there" tree (and one children will love).



Burlap Tree

A sparsely decorated tree draped in burlap gives a rustic vibe to your family's holiday. After you're done wrapping it around the tree, use the rest of the roll to wrap gifts that will be placed under the tree. A novice sewer can also repurpose the material into stockings for the mantel.

Monochrome and Magical


Monochrome Christmas Tree

This is the perfect tree for people who see the world in black and white. This tree scheme proves that even if you strictly adhere to a monochromatic palette in your living room, you can still celebrate the holidays (although we don't think it would hurt to throw in a little red, silver, or gold).

An Origami Original


Origami Tree

Take advantage of cold days trapped in the house by making origami animals and other objects to decorate your tree. Just imagine a plethora of bright and colorful geometric origami set against the backdrop of a fake white tree (an ideal holiday accent in a modern home).

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Animals Decorating A Christmas Tree


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