
What Was Jaiden Animations First Video For Ihascupquake

"I have no idea what I'thou doing"

Channel Motto

Jaiden, born on September 27, 1997, known online as Jaiden Animations, is an Arizona-born "animate-my-life" YouTuber, much like Domics, Katzun, Tabbes and TheOdd1sOut. She is also one of the biggest YouTube animators on the site.

Much like them, she covers stories from her life, as well as general pocket-size fun facts about herself and then animates them for a YouTube audience. Her videos cover a range of topics like stories most her parents, vacations, her fears, random thoughts she tends to take and her experiences with instruments and reality TV. Forth with that, she besides does collaboration videos with other YouTubers like TheOdd1sOut and Draw with Jazza, has collaborated with Game Grumps in several multiplayer games and toured with in live cartoon events (with Egoraptor and Ross O'Donovan in item), and has occasional vlogs with her pet bird Ari and has fifty-fifty made a collection of "I Has Cupquake Animated" videos, which tin can be seen on her channel.

Jaiden'south channel tin exist constitute here, Her Twitter can be found hither and her DeviantArt can be establish here.

Non to be confused with Chinese studio Jade Animation.

Jaiden Animations provide examples of:

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Jaiden was genuinely impressed by a seemingly thirteen year old's pickup line:

    Kid: Volition you concur something for me?
    Jaiden: O-Okay? What is it?
    Kid: My paw.
    ("Careless Whisper" blares in the background)

  • Appreciating Parody: Jaiden and Alpharad's SoulLink Nuzlocke names the rival graphic symbol afterwards Jan of "Pokémon Challenges", who had been making critiques of their Nuzlockes, with Jaiden making it articulate that she had no intention of offending him with it. Jan himself reacted to the video afterward and institute information technology Actually Pretty Funny (with his one quibble being that Jaiden mispronounced his name).
  • Alternate Graphic symbol Interpretation: In-universe; in her Crimson Nuzlocke video, Jaiden (somewhat jokingly) interprets Steven Stone'southward Armaldo equally her Anorith having joined upwardly to become revenge for being relegated to the box.
  • Alternate Universe: Invoked in the Platinum Nuzlocke video to explain the aristocracy iv do-over after an extremely unlucky bad ending equally an "alternate Jaiden" created by Giratina in the Distortion World.
  • An Aesop:
    • "Things about Relationships I wish someone told me near": "you're not responsible for someone else'south happiness." If someone'south sad or depressed, it'due south on them to right this beliefs. Also, define your boundaries, and don't allow anyone make you break them; if they do, they're causing emotional abuse, and they're non worth your time. Toxic people will often fish for compliments, resort to emotional corruption (gaslighting, guilt tripping, etc.), and threaten to hurt you or themselves to get what they want from you instead of e'er acknowledge that how they act is wrong. You aren't responsible for making them happy at the cost of your own happiness, and if they aren't willing to alter and better themselves, then cut them loose before they drag you downward with them.
    • Her "Getting into Fitness and Health" video drops a few lessons about society's unhealthy obsession with losing weight (or building muscle) equally the be-all end-goal of "health and fettle," specially at the expense of giving your torso the nutrients and practise it needs to feel skillful and function well.
    • "Being Not Straight": "Being aromantic and asexual are valid sexual identities and deserve more recognition in media".
  • Abrasive Express joy: At least Jaiden herself thinks so anyways.
  • Animal Motif: Justified because of her love of birds and there are plenty of references to birds in her videos; every bit shown by her pet conures, Ari and Tofu. In her Pokémon videos, she'due south shown to possess bird-themed Pokémon. In some videos; you can see iii pocket-size bird tattoos on her right forearm.
  • Animation Bump: A small ane in her video "My Opinion on Airports", as it was given by a guest animator. When explaining that moving sidewalks would be a good replacement for cars and roads, she says that you lot could only run to become to where you desire to become actress quick. This is shown with an over the meridian action shot of Jaiden bursting into a dart. This follows into her other videos, where the animation tin be much more fluid and expressive in some parts; the dance Ranger!Jaiden does to Team Dim Lord's day's battle theme is a good example.
  • Animesque: The scene in "The History of my Hair" where Jaiden's hairs accident abroad in the current of air is a parody of an anime scene, with cherry blossom petals floating in the air and Jaiden getting large anime optics.
  • Arch-Enemy: In her Animal Crossing video, a snooty villager named Sue E. becomes Jaiden's nemesis due to her rudeness.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In the HeartGold/SoulSilver randomized SoulLink, Jacob has to face Lance's Porygon-Z, Rampardos, Lickilicky, Zapdos... and Plusle.
  • Art Shift: "Why I Don't Have a Confront Reveal" is washed in a much less fluid way, with few colors and a more sketch-like feel to information technology.
  • Ascended Actress: Along with other animators, Jaiden got bumped up from the end credits to the chief video for Rewind 2018... while as well sneaking in PewDiePie'southward chair for her segment. Note the smug flash to the camera.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Downplayed, Jaiden and Jaxon (Jax)
  • Bait-and-Switch Comment: In "Burnout & Overworking Yourself", a hypothetical friend tells Jaiden that they're going to run 50 miles, and won't swallow, sleep, or take care of themselves until they're finished. Jaiden responds that such a thing is a terrible thought... because the person would need sunscreen offset.
  • Berserk Button: Jaiden has some strong opinions on impersonators and people who apply "KYS" every bit an insult.

    Jaiden: Don't impersonate people.... Okay, I was going to terminate this video by saying "Don't impersonate people, and f*ck off" merely I couldn't bring myself to practice it.

  • Bestiality Is Depraved: This exchange.

    Fan: Am I baka for having a crush on Ari? >.< Me no baka, chuu~!
    Jaiden: Yikes.

  • Best Served Cold: During a horrendous group project, the girls she was working with ended up giving her a mean solar day to finish considering of their laziness, and to boot the audio went way over the time limit and possibly had to exist processed beyond abridging it, resulting in her spending eight hours working herself half to expiry. 1 of the girls checked on the video half an hour earlier it was due and gave an ungrateful reply when Jaiden confirmed it was finished, and Jaiden was too exhausted for a "The Reason You Suck" Speech, prompting her to create end credits for the video crediting herself for everything except the other girls' narration, apparently including "pain & suffering", as a grade of passive-aggressive revenge.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: When a Strawman starts acting up, Jaiden pulls out a scalpel and cheerfully asks him what kind of incision he thinks the blade will create on his head.
  • Big Trivial Brother: Her younger brother Jaxon is depicted equally existence taller than Jaiden.
  • Bilingual Bonus:
    • Co-ordinate to the subtitles, the Japanese kid in "How to Make Life More Interesting" said:
    • From "What my trip to Nihon was similar", when Jaiden'southward dad tries to ask for directions from a local:
  • Birthday Episode: When information technology'southward Ari's birthday, she publishes videos jubilant this.
  • Bloodshot Ending: Her Pokémon Platinum Nuzlocke video ends this way. In-universe, Jaiden realizes she's in an alternate timeline created later on Giratina split her in ii in the Distortion World; in the original timeline, she wiped out confronting the Elite Four earlier she even made information technology to Cynthia, with her entire team getting killed notation In reality, Jaiden gave up after she lost one-half her team in the starting time two fights confronting Aaron and Bertha, since the remainder of her team was weak against Fire-types and didn't accept a take a chance against Fire specialist Flint. Only she and her chat agreed that since it was a birthday stream, she should try again. In this timeline, Jaiden wins and becomes the new Champion, but loses half her team to Cynthia's Garchomp in the process. And with the knowledge of both timelines and another version of her losing so horribly, Jaiden is so overwhelmed with guilt that she finds the victory hollow and doesn't believe she deserves information technology.
  • Blatant Lies: Upon landing in Arizona whilst having hives, she claims that her parents were "very at-home" virtually the situation.

    Jaiden's Mom: (grabs Jaiden'south face) Hives?! Who- Are you okay, w- How'd you get hives; are you okay?!
    (Jaiden's dad sweats in the groundwork)

  • Built-in Lucky: Jaiden jokes about this of her SoulSilver Nuzlocke partner, Jacob Alpharad, a Running Gag carrying over from his own aqueduct(due south). She non but starts the video highlighting his 50/50 Pokémon Nuzlocke winning streak, but describes how he virtually always gets favorable Pokémon encounters, souvenir Pokémon, and easy battles. Meanwhile, Jaiden tends to become lackluster Pokémon and VERY hard battles.
  • Brick Joke: At the first of the SoulSilver Nuzlocke, Jaiden and Jacob keep running into Palkia, who Google says is vulnerable to Salamence. The two proceed to, in her words, swell Palkia by repeatedly commenting that they wish they had a Salamence. Fastforward to the final battle, and Lance has a Palkia on his team for Jaiden. Cue Jaiden saying, "I could really utilise a Salamence right about now..."
  • Bumbling Dad: For the most role, Jaiden's dad averts this, but "What my trip to Nippon was like" plays it more direct. When trying to navigate the airport, Jaiden, her mom, and Jax end upward losing her dad for a good half an hour, Jaiden admits that her dad (and Jax) really only cared well-nigh the food in Japan while she and her mom were fully taking in the culture, and most tellingly, he feebly attempts to find a local who can speak English, making himself look like a fool in the process.
  • Censored for Comedy: She inappreciably ever swears. And if she does, it'll either be a Curse Cutting Short or this. In "Things nearly Relationships I wish someone told me about," she says that one must occasionally wait in the mirror and wonder "Am I beingness an asshole?" Non only is the word censored every bit "a**hole" in the captions, but the first part of the give-and-take is bleeped out by a loud bass tone, with an image of Ari covering the speaker'due south mouth every bit they say it.
  • Graphic symbol Development:
  • Cheaters Never Prosper: During Alpharad's Cup Pong Invitational, Jaiden wore cargo pants to smuggle in a tin can of Coca-Cola, and used information technology to bribe the referee, Joe, into removing a cup. This human activity would carry her and LLDrifts, her teammate, into the finals, but the 2 unfortunately ended upwardly losing to Ted Nivison and Ethan Nestor.
  • Chekhov's Gun: When Jaiden starts training Zipzapzop in her Pokémon Cherry-red Nuzlocke video, she makes a huge rant well-nigh the sheer number of Marills she had to kill in society to get Zipzapzop upwards to par with the rest of the party. While she doesn't explain this (and might not have even realized information technology at the time), it was the HP EVs from those Marills that gave Zipzapzop enough HP to later just barely tank that quadruple-constructive earthquake assail with only 2 HP to spare.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Jaiden had a Pirates of the Caribbean area-obsessed Keet for a high school art teacher, who ofttimes blared random POTC soundtrack remixes to his students' chagrin, randomly challenged students to duels, and at i point, ran into the room dressed as a pirate and ran effectually similar a lunatic, causing Jaiden to drop his class. He was also a lawn tennis teacher, and i day inexplicably tried to jump over the net, causing him to faceplant when his pes was defenseless on the net and giving him two black eyes. If his ex-wife's reaction to this latter incident is any indication, he had injured himself prior to this.
  • Clung on Tight: In "I Don't Like the Dentist", Jaiden'southward childhood fright of the dentist is emphasized through her clinging onto her mom's leg, with her mom trying to shake her off.
  • Color Motif: Purple. Many of her thumbnails feature the color purple in some caste, and her toon avatar is typically drawn with a purple shirt in fanart.
  • Companion Cube: Compares her teacher to Oscar the Grouch's hypothetical pet lemon.
  • Blended Character: In her HeartGold/SoulSilver SoulLink Nuzlocke, due to Jaiden playing equally the boy and Alpharad playing as the girl, Jaiden combines the NPC versions of Lyra and Ethan into a single, unnamed character. Jaiden simply calls them "neighbor".
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Described Ari every bit beingness very jealous of anyone who is friendly with her. Particularly her mom.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Jasmine turns out to be this in "I Attempted a Two Histrion Nuzlocke". The unabridged time, she acts like a Moe to try and get Jaiden and Jacob to become Amphy'southward medicine in Cianwood City, but they aren't having any of it, since they almost died trying to climb Olivine Lighthouse. One time they practise the piece of work she'south supposed to do, her reward for them is having Jaiden fight her Lugia and Deoxys, nonetheless acting as absentmindedly beautiful as ever, all while Jaiden is bashing her face into a support beam in anger.
  • Cutting the Knot: In her first two Pokémon Nuzlocke videos, Jaiden encounters powerful Legendary Pokémon blocking her fashion. Since contesting them would probable issue in her losing team members, she simply uses the Main Brawl on Groudon and Giratina to immediately catch them and comport on with the game.

    Jaiden: So I went in there, walked upwardly to Groudon... and Master Balled him immediately. There's no manner I'm gonna fight Groudon!

  • Daddy Issues: Averted. In the early days of her channel, some very curious fans were wondering why Jaiden never brought upward her father, assuming that something happened that made Jaiden not include him (like divorce or abuse). Turns out Jaiden just hadn't animated anything that involved him nevertheless, which Jaiden lampshaded when she get-go brought up her dad in a video.invoked
  • Darker and Edgier: Due to suffering from an extremely unfortunate defeat at the easily of the Aristocracy four, her Pokémon Platinum Nuzlocke video was noticeably grimmer than her previous Blood-red Nuzlocke video. The same cannot be said for the SoulLink Randomized Nuzlocke with Alpharad that followed it, though.
  • Death past De-aging: Discussed/averted in Random Thoughts (Part 2 Edition). Jaiden theorizes that if you sit in the Fountain of Youth for too long, you eventually turn into your own parents.
  • Death Seeker: Briefly becomes one in "The worst matter that'due south e'er happened to me". After she was initially prescribed with an epipen, she went to sleep feeling relieved, only to wake up viii hours later with her hives flared upwardly to their absolute worst, leading Jaiden to want to close her eyes once more and dice on the spot. Luckily, her dad rushed her back to urgent care and got a succinct medication program from family unit friend Dr. Cruz, and so she was cured fast plenty to not provoke any suicidal intent.
  • Denser and Wackier: Not that she wasn't funny before, simply a lot of her before videos were fairly straightforward storytime animations with most of the sense of humour coming from "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer as well as Jaiden's very endearing awkwardness. By now, her videos are all much more than cartoonish with exaggerations of actual events, snarky comments, and Jaiden herself moving by her soft-spoken nature to become a Large Ham on occasion.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: In her "Random Thoughts" video, she realizes she wrote down "one-half popped popcorn" down twice.

    Jaiden: I guess past Jaiden felt really compelled to talk about one-half-popped popcorn. It is actually good, though.

  • The Disease That Shall Not Be Named: The eating disorder Jaiden had sounds a lot like bulimia, with excessive fasting and "purging" being the chief indicators, only it's never named in any video in which she discusses it.
  • Dissonant Serenity: She recalls in her "Substitute Teachers" video where ane just looked at a girl choking on a carrot... doing zippo while a kid did the Heimlich.
  • The Door Slams You: At one point in quaternary form, Jaiden was nearly whacked in the face by a bathroom stall door due to an incredibly stupid and inconsiderate girl deciding to kick the door open. The only reason Jaiden was only "near" hit in the face is because karate reflexes allowed her to block the door with her arm. She notes that whatsoever other passerby probably wouldn't have been able to protect herself.
  • Dramatic Wind: In "The History of my Pilus", strands of Jaiden'due south hair wing away, "like burs in the wind," illustrated with pieces of Jaiden'southward hair dramatically flying away in a stream of flower petels and Jaiden, now with big anime optics, watching them bladder.
  • The Dying Walk: When Tate's Solrock melts Zipzapzop with Fire Blast, Zipzapzop weakly floats over to Jaiden until collapsing, before Squidward the Tentacruel sprays him like a fire extinguisher.
  • Early Installment Character-Blueprint Difference:
    • In videos from the early years of Jaiden'due south channel, her pilus was drawn in a ponytail, and can still be seen during finish cards. Her hair has since been drawn allow downwards in future installments, even in stories taking place in higher, when she still would've had the ponytail.
    • Jaiden also used draw herself with a bigger head when she wasn't drawn on purpose as a chibi.
  • Exact Words: In "My Childhood Obsession with Animals", Jaiden talks virtually the time she desperately wanted a mouse. She thought that she could force her parents to get her one past writing it on her Christmas wishlist. Her parents did get her a mouse... but it was a computer mouse.
  • Face–Heel Plough: Unsaid with her Anorith Gary in her Pokémon Cerise Nuzlocke.

    Jaiden: Steven's last Pokémon was Armaldo — Gary'southward final revenge for getting booted from the squad.

  • Fangirl: Is notably 1 for CatDog. In collab videos off her channel, she makes rather random references to CatDog every at present and so, such as request what CatDog's pronouns are, and when she was invited onto a Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl tournament where bidders get to select what characters the players choose, she uploaded a short blitheness to her channel where she begged her viewers to let her play as CatDog.
  • Felony Misdemeanor: When she was younger, Jaiden went out to walk her canis familiaris without telling her parents. For reasons unknown even to her, the sight of some reasonably concerned police force officers freaked her out and caused her to book it back dwelling with the cruiser close backside.
  • Flair Bartending: Or rather, Flair Medical Practice. Upon beingness administered to Dr. Cruz, he proves to exist quite the showman, including having a "Eureka!" Moment upon seeing Jaiden's hives and spinning an epipen on his finger before stabbing her with it.
  • Flat "What": Her mother when Jaiden jokingly tells her she'south a grandmother (to Ari).
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus:
    • While searching for "Well-nigh Annoying Girl Names" to requite to her group projection classmates, one of Google's top resulting lists includes... "Jayden."
    • invoked There are several Easter eggs on her shelf in her contribution to Rewind, which includes a Smash alphabetic character, a Japanese bonsai tree in reference to the infamous Logan Paul suicide forest video, a boxing bays based on Logan Paul vs KSI, a "Sociopaths 101" book in reference to Jake Paul, "Submarine 2 PewDiePie", a squirrel in reference to iDubbbzTV, a bowl of spaghetti (really a reference to "Somebody bear upon my spaghet!" and not "Bowwow Lasagna" like many causeless) and Ugandan Knuckles.
    • In her "I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke" video, right virtually the end, during all of the glitchy animations showing her failed original try at the Elite Four, there's one frame where her Togekiss can exist seen impaled on some stone spikes right earlier Aaron'due south fight.
    • When she and Alpharad release the Legendary Beasts in "I Attempted a Two Actor Nuzlocke", Suicune is slumped over unconscious on Entei's back instead of running like the other ii as a nod to how Alpharad killed one by accident before in the video.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: In her video about toxic relationships, she states that toxic people fish for compliments rather than take responsibility for what went incorrect in their life. You have no responsibleness for making them happy and you lot'll drive yourself crazy justifying their deportment. If they tin't use those experiences constructively or move on from them, then leave.
  • From Bad to Worse:
    • Jaiden gets an Uber driver to pick her up after her trip to Japan, simply thanks to vague directions, he drops her off at the wrong house. Jaiden pretends to go within, hoping the owners don't see her as she hides behind the firm, waiting for the driver to get out. Later on he does, Jaiden crosses the street, tries to get inside her house... and the door is locked. Her roommate is gone, meaning Jaiden has to await three hours for her to come up home. Unwilling to sleep outside the firm to pass the time, she ends up catching some other Uber to hang out with her roommate, just because she wasn't able to slumber on the plane, she'south too tired to fifty-fifty function, let alone savour the trip out.
    • During one ski trip when she was 10, Jaiden'south dad accidentally brings her and Jax up a double blackness diamond trail (aptly described by Jaiden as "you will DIE if y'all proceed here as a child"), and by the time he realizes his mistake, it'south too late. As he tries to think of what to practise, gravity takes Jax and he speeds down the mount. When he falls to break speed per their dad'south instruction, he ends up doing a screaming starfish note a crash where you cartwheel downward a slope. As people go to help him after he finally manages to cease, Jaiden is freaking out; her only way down is a slope she just watched her little brother collapse down, and she doesn't know if he fabricated it there even vaguely okayish. Luckily, a kind snowboarder helps her down, but that means a boring, terrifying trip sliding inch-by-inch on her butt downwards a slope she describes as "well-nigh vertical downward death with a bunch of moguls". The poor girl is traumatized and aroused by the fourth dimension she gets downwardly, and judging by her refusal to purchase a souvenir, the entire trip is ruined for her.
    • Her debilitating case of hives one twelvemonth when she visited her family for Christmas. Each flair-up was worse than the last, and just when she idea she'd experienced the worst, an even more intense instance sucker-punched her. It got to the bespeak that she was red and itchy and experiencing such intense pain/discomfort all over that she couldn't movement, equally even the slightest brush to her peel sent shockwaves of pain beyond her system. Thankfully, a doctor who was also a family friend managed to go her the right medication and diagnosis that kept it from coming back.
    • This applied on 2 separate occasions in her SoulLink Randomized Nuzlocke. The first case was with Gym Leader Chuck, whose Kingdra proved to be more than a match for her entire team barring Obamatar the Abomasnow. His 2d Pokemon was Froslass, whose Snowfall Cloak ability allowed her to constantly avoid attacks from Obamatar due to their own Snow Warning power setting up the hail that activates it. On acme of that, Froslass's Ominous Wind move boosted all of her stats two turns in a row (which is a 1% chance, by the way). The 2d example was against Champion Lance, who had a Palkia, who Jaiden had no respond for whatsoever. And the one Pokemon she did take that stood any adventure at all, Mewtwo, was immediately killed by a disquisitional hit. In both instances, Jaiden had to resort to stalling out her opponent to death with whatsoever Pokemon she had left until they finally went down... and in the latter case, reminded the audience that Lance even so had 3 Pokemon left, and she had to stall for another 10 minutes on his terminal Pokemon, Azumarril.
  • Gag Haircut: Jaiden discusses how important a skilful haircut is in "The History of my Hair" considering a bad haircut gives off a first impression that you brand terrible decisions. This is illustrated by a horrified adult female coming together someone with hideously-cut yellow, green, and pinkish hair.
  • Gayngst: In "Existence Non Directly", Jaiden comes out as aroace — that is, Jaiden feels no romantic or sexual allure to anyone, and never has. In the video, Jaiden cites life stories of how she came to realize that she never felt any sort of romantic or intimate attraction to people, only attempting to discover a crush or continue a date because of the social stigma surrounding being in a relationship. Jaiden says that she felt like information technology was something she "had" to practise, and describes her struggles with forcing herself to try and conform. Jaiden even admits that she once thought she was bisexual or pansexual (allure to both men and women, and attraction to any gender, respectively), if simply because someone's gender didn't seem to bear on her choices. Information technology was but when she plant out about the aroace sexuality through a Wiki Walk that Jaiden constitute something that fit her.
  • Gender-Blender Name: In "I Attempted my Start Pokemon Nuzlocke", Jaiden names a Machop "Chad" fifty-fifty though it'south female.

    Jaiden: What? Y'all're a female? (beat) DID I STUTTER?

  • Gonky Femme: Every bit a Machop/Machoke, Chad looks similar a muscular man, but is drawn with feminine mannerisms and accessories such as a bloom behind her ear or a mourning veil.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck!: She hardly always swears. She'due south either used a different word, cut herself off before saying the whole word, or simply apartment-out censored it altogether. Though, in her video "Flirting & My Stories," she said the discussion "douchebag" uncensored. Another fourth dimension in "What my trip to Japan was like" she says "bowwow" uncensored twice, though she was referring to PewDiePie's "Bitch Lasagna" in both cases, then it wasn't actually her sentiment.
  • Grand Finale: Her SoulLink Randomized Nuzlocke with Alpharad is this to her Nuzlocke serial, as revealed in the cease credits. Obviously, it's not this to her videos on the whole.
  • Grievous Harm with a Torso: Her Pokémon Nuzlockes humorously depict early battles equally picking upwardly her Pokémon and using them to bludgeon the opponent'south Pokémon.
  • Guinness Episode: "I Attempted a Speedrun (and got a globe record)" is about her becoming the showtime person in the world to speedrun Cooking Mama 2: Dinner With Friends, and therefore property the globe record at the fourth dimension.
  • Hard Truth Aesop: In the video about toxic relationships, Jaiden explains that you shouldn't stay with someone who chooses to wallow in cocky-pity and grief instead of take responsibleness for their own lives. If someone chooses to brand you responsible for making them happy, you lot should leave because you may not have the advisable skills and qualifications to set them and you tin't ignore your own issues for their sake.
  • Hate at First Sight: Jaiden jokes about this in her "I Attempted a Two Player Nuzlocke" video, as many Trainer, Gym Leader, and Elite Four battles involve her having to fight Legendaries, while her buddy Jacob gets much easier opponents. Jacob too gets three fully-evolved Pokemon every bit starter choices from Professor Elm; Jaiden gets the useless Wynaut, the Com Mon Ariados, and the Delicate Speedster Mankey.
  • Hates Being Touched: Inverted. She's less afraid of beingness touched and more than afraid of her touching someone and freaking them out with how cold her manus naturally is.
  • Hell Is That Dissonance: Considers loud toilet flushing noises to be this.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: When in the non-U.M. passport community line, Jaiden ran into a guy who made it clear in no time flat that he believes all girls are selfish. The fact that he acted nice to Jaiden and constantly tried to make small talk with her made things all the more awkward, nigh to the betoken of him being a Boomerang Bigot.
  • Heroic Mime: In "I Attempted a Two Player Nuzlocke", Alpharad is this, beingness placidity in the animations 99% of the time, his vox but being heard in the gameplay segments, and the 1 line he has is said past Jaiden herself.
  • Heroic RRoD: Describes getting hives like this. Cheers to an apparent combination of stress and overexertion, Jaiden got hives in December 2019. Somewhen, she was itching so desperately and in so much pain that she could hardly movement, to the point of starting to weep from the pain. She describes it equally the worst matter that'due south ever happened to her.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • In her Blood-red Nuzlocke video, she frames Zipzapzop the Magneton's decease every bit this, pushing Sin the Duskull out of the way of a Solrock's Flamethrower.
    • In her Platinum Nuzlocke video, Failure the Shinx takes a fatal assault from a Hail-empowered Froslass so Jaiden can buy fourth dimension to heal up Squoop the Gastrodon and gear up upwards Rain Dance to negate the Hail.
  • Loftier Heel Hurt: Jaiden dislikes wearing heels, though not considering they hurt, rather because she'due south impuissant when wearing them.
  • High-Pressure Emotion: When she gets to the terminate of her successful run in Rhythm Heaven Fever and starts Remix 10, her face up is cherry, and steam is spewing out of her ears.
  • Hipster: The guy who believes girls are inherently selfish seemed to be one, as when Jaiden pulled out her telephone, he questioned why everybody seemed to have iPhones, only to pull out a Google Pixel.
  • Belongings Hands: She and James did a video doing this on Twitter after seeing a petition.
  • Hope Spot: In "The worst thing that's e'er happened to me", Jaiden appears to have finally gotten rid of hives, but it kept coming dorsum worse than ever before it was finally cured.
  • I Did What I Had to Practise: When visiting the Studio Ghibli Museum, Jaiden was prepared to take photos, but concluded upwards non when she found out that photography and filming weren't permitted in information technology. That said, she did snag a picture of the children's play area .
  • If It's You, It's Okay: A retroactive example. Jaiden came out equally aroace in "Being Not Straight", whereas earlier in "I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke", she seemed to show some attraction to Cynthia, non only through stuttering and having hearts in her eyes when first meeting her, merely also treating Cynthia as if she was her boss when existence asked to deliver the Erstwhile Amuse to her grandmother.
  • Illness Blanket: In "Injuries and Beingness Sick", all the sick people in the video are fatigued wrapped in blankets if they're not in bed.
  • Inherently Funny Words:
    • Jaiden'south Nuzlocke videos explain the nicknaming requirement of the challenge by using Pokemon with goofy names as examples. The first video has the relatively tame Mayo the Jigglypuff, merely the latter two have Fubby Juice the Pikachu and Spagooblio the Furret.
    • In her randomized SoulLink Nuzlocke, Jaiden and Jacob determine to brand naming their new double Pokémon acquisitions easier on themselves (since they take to give both Pokémon the same nickname) past combining the Pokémon's names. Jaiden takes full comedic advantage of this by giving them light-headed names similar "Plapp" for Piplup and Flaaffy, "Dillydoo" for Cradily and Silcoon, and "Dodei" for Entei and Doduo.
  • Inside Joke: When she was younger, Jaiden spoke with a noticeable lisp and would request her Trademark Favorite Nutrient at the time every bit "Pathta with No Thauthe". As a result all the way into her adult life, her family would occasionally tease her by reminding her of this Verbal Tic.
  • Instant Skillful: She'south very practiced at playing musical instruments. She played the flute for a while because, despite being told that information technology was difficult to play the flute, Jaiden got a note out of the flute on her starting time try.
  • Irony: In a two-fold instance in her SoulLink Randomized Nuzlocke, Alpharad defenseless a whopping four Legendary Pokemon. Only when information technology came time to construct teams to bring to the Elite 4, Jaiden got to bring ii Legendary Pokemon while Alpharad not only didn't have a unmarried one, but was also forced to apply a squad consisting of almost entirely Com Mons, incuding a Beautifly... and yet, Alpharad still had a much easier fourth dimension with the Elite 4 and Champion compared to Jaiden, with the offset 2 deaths between the 2 costing her the 2 Legendaries in question.
  • Information technology Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: When Jaiden was in fourth grade, another girl at her school inexplicably decided to kick a bath stall door open with no regard for passersby... while Jaiden was walking past. Luckily, Jaiden was able to shield herself considering she had fast reflexes from karate lessons and the idiot loudly appear "I'm gonna kicking the door open up!", alerting her to what was about to happen. However, Jaiden got a nasty bruise on her arm, and she notes that had it been anyone else passing by, the poor girl would have taken the total brunt of the door and probably been seriously injured.
  • Jerkass: When recounting run-ins with impersonators, she encountered 1 item one on Twitter with a Hair-Trigger Temper and tried pulling a Wounded Gazelle Gambit on her and James (albeit one that exaggerated the harassment Jaiden was trying to apologize over). They fifty-fifty went as far as calling their police due to what is implied to exist serious harassment. Admitting Jaiden thought her fanbase telling them to kill themselves equally their Internet Counter Assault was going way likewise far.
  • Kid-anova: In "Babyhood Stories", Jaiden mentions having a run in with a kid who seemed to exist xiii when she was effectually 16. She was quite impressed with his pickup line.

    Kid: Volition you lot hold something for me?
    Jaiden: O-Okay? What is it?
    Kid: My hand.

  • Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: Jaiden'southward mom has a network of friends in a variety of occupations. Luckily, one such friend was an auditor who helped Jaiden and her family unit get the certification they needed to fly out of Minneapolis to Canada after their passports had expired.
    • This trope comes to her rescue again when she visits her family for Christmas, and is beset with a debilitating case of hives. After several doctors can't figure out how to keep them at bay for more than than a few hours, a family friend who's a medico not only gives her the correct medication to go along them gone for proficient, but seems to correctly diagnose the cause (stress coupled with a glitch in the immune system) and Jaiden has remained hives-gratuitous ever since.
  • Love to Detest: In-Universe, Jaiden loves that Animal Crossing NPCs had a lot of snarky jerks that were just fun to detest, peculiarly Sue E..
  • Malicious Compliance: In "Animal Crossing used to exist and then much darker...", Sue Eastward. commanded Jaiden to change the town tune. Despite not commonly being a "big town melody-changer", she proceeds to exercise and so, changing it to the highest-pitched note possible being played fifteen times, followed by the "?" note that comes after that.

    Jaiden: Is that better, Sue E.? You like that?

  • Missed the Bus: Besides Days v & 7, when they didn't accept the train at all, Jaiden's family ends upwardly taking the wrong railroad train on every 24-hour interval of their vacation to Japan. There'southward a Double Subversion on Mean solar day 6, where Jaiden (seemingly through the wisdom water from Twenty-four hour period four boot in) convinces her family unit to not get on the wrong railroad train, but when coming back to the hotel from the Sega arcade, they got on the wrong railroad train anyway.
  • My God, You Are Serious!: In "Existence Non Straight", she describes a moment of listening to a random dear song in the car — and suddenly realising the feelings described are non an exaggeration or a joke — equally helping her to figure out why she establish the concept of romance so confusing. She has a text-based response of this nature with people who beat on celebrities, which she says sounds "exhausting".

    Jaiden: (thinking) Wait, exercise people really feel these things? They're non joking?!

  • "Non Making This Up" Disclaimer: "My Experience with Sports" includes home video and photos of her participating in described sports, including ane where Jaiden kept pushing a stage fear-ridden girl to the side during a trip the light fantastic toe recital.
  • Ocular Gushers: Jaiden's representation of her tearful her optics out every bit a kid whenever she had to get to the dentist is this.
  • One time Washed, Never Forgotten: As a child, she had a lisp, and when her Italian babysitter asked what she wanted for tiffin, Jaiden would always say, "pathta with no thauthe." annotation Pasta with no sauce Needless to say, her family never lets her hear the stop of it whenever they have pasta for dinner together.
  • Out-of-Genre Experience: "Empty", a total-diddled Music Video with Boyinaband about their struggles with eating disorders.
  • Out of Focus: Likely due to the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus, Jaiden starting from mid 2020, has shifted to almost exclusively gaming-related animations and collabs with other Youtubers. Every bit a result, most of the events that defined her reputation as one of the near well known storytime animators as well as staples such as Ari and her family have been put aside in terms of screentime.
  • Overly Long Gag: In the "Samurai Buyer" video, with each electronic mail to Misaki, she adds additional redundant signatures—starting with only "Jaiden, JaidenAnimations" and eventually extending to "Jaiden, JaidenAnimation, JaidenAnimations, Maiden Animations, Jaiden Animation, Jaiden Animates, Jaiden Draws."
  • Overly Narrow Summit: Jaiden once held the Globe Record for an all Aureate Medals Speedrun of Cooking Mama ii: Dinner With Friends...namely cause, she was as well the only person to actually do an all Golden Medals Speed Run of the Game, at the time!
  • Pants-Gratuitous: Dissimilar her May cosplay in her Pokémon Ruby Nuzlocke and her Ethan cosplay in her Pokémon SoulSilver Nuzlocke, Jaiden's cosplay of Dawn in her Pokémon Platinum Nuzlocke has a visible lack of pants or underwear. This leads to her butt cheeks being shown off a couple of times.
  • Paper Tiger: Jaiden and Jacob are absolutely scared of Jan wiping out their entire squad, especially in the Burned Belfry where he has a Mew, but he ends up existence a pushover in every battle they face him in.
  • Perverted Sniffing: When she catches a Tentacool only outside of Slateport City, her kickoff instinct is to sniff the dorsum of its head intensely, provoking her to nickname information technology "Squidward".
  • A Sus scrofa Named "Porkchop": A variation in Jaiden'south Nuzlocke playthrough of Pokémon Ruby, where she names her Torchic (a Pokémon based off a baby craven) "Teriyaki," every bit a joke on teriyaki chicken.
  • Pink Is Erotic: In "Being Not Direct", Jaiden uses the colour pinkish to represent feelings of romance and sexual allure (called intimacy in the video) while explain how she never felt either of those things due to being aromantic and asexual. In the video, she talks nigh being asexual every bit a woman in a pink bikini is shown, she uses a metaphorical crush lenses to see if she finds anyone attractive, and she uses a blushing smiley face up to stand for her own feelings of sexual attraction and arousal.
  • Precision F-Strike: Subverted. In the cease of her video on impersonation, she mentions that she wanted to say "don't impersonate people and f*ck off" every bit an ironic twist, but couldn't bring herself to swear uncensored.
    • In "Living With Ari", she plays the starting time line of iDubbbzTV's RiceGum disstrack, which contains the discussion "fucked", completely uncensored. This was either washed because she figured that since the song wasn't her content, censoring information technology would seem inappropriate or she forgot to censor it while editing.
    • Played direct, merely not in one of her own videos. In the Behind the Scenes video of her music video for Empty, she curses, completely uncensored, when messing upward a line. Granted though, this is because it wasn't on her own channel and information technology may have been due to the content of the line causing a Natural language Twister incident.
    • Jaiden calls her 2 project partners "twats" in My Horrible Nightmare Group Projection due to them beingness The Load during said project. She later elaborates on this in another video when saying she doesn't swear, stating that the word was never considered a swear in her household and so she just considers it a normal word.
  • Queer Colors: Jaiden uses these in "Being Not Straight". The thumbnail is Jaiden standing in front of a rainbow flag, meant to stand for LGBT people every bit a whole. Throughout the video, she uses the colors from the asexual flag (black, grayness, white, majestic) and aromantic flag (night greenish, green, white, greyness, blackness) to represent herself, as well every bit a combination of the two on a T-shirt. Interestingly, in that location is another flag for aroace people — orange, yellowish, white, light blueish, dark bluish — but those colors never come up up in the video.
  • Race Confronting the Clock:
    • One of Jaiden's fears is that she can't stand up time limits in video games, going as far that she could not get past level two of a SpongeBob game she endemic every bit a kid because of a department of the game where she had only twenty seconds to go to each checkpoint.

      "Our lives are a time limit if you call back well-nigh it..."

    • "I tried to go to Canada simply got stuck in Minneapolis" has this as Jaiden, her mom, and her brother accept an ever expanding list of things they demand to accomplish in guild to renew the kids' passports and get to the airport in fourth dimension to catch their flight to Canada. Hilarity Ensues as things keep happening to brand things more and more than complicated, though the end of the video shows Jaiden and her family managed to just barely make information technology on their flight in time.
    • In college, she had a project due at 6pm and the instructor strictly but allowed them to be ten minutes late at virtually. She gets done early and lets a friend borrow her laptop to get her own project washed. Due to them not paying attention to the fourth dimension, they of a sudden realize it's 5:45 and they accept to get to the school reckoner lab, print off their assignments, and hand them in. And Jaiden'due south friend wasn't washed her project still. Cue them both freaking out, her friend being forced to cut corners, Jaiden having to scour her room for a title folio to be stapled to the front, and them booking it to the lab (and for added stress, Jaiden'due south friend was having computer trouble when Jaiden herself got at that place). They get their projects handed in literally at the cablegram, to the point where the professor, upon seeing Jaiden enter the room to hand her assignment in, simply said "Run."
    • Somewhat played with in "I Attempted a Speedrun (and got a world record)". While Jaiden is trying to get the fastest time she can, considering that at that place is no precedent for a speedrun time, she was able to be more relaxed with her run.
    • In "I Don't Like the Dentist", Jaiden name drops this trope when describing that she only had a few weeks to pull out her final five baby teeth earlier an extraction appointment needed to be scheduled.
  • Random Events Plot: The whole nature of her "Random Thoughts" videos is to make video on a slew of completely unrelated and fifty-fifty bizarre contemplations she had one day.
  • Real Dreams are Weirder: Jaiden's scariest nightmare is this. She was backed upward in the corner of a pitch blackness room, as Dash from The Incredibles, and a shark would periodically try to bite her.

    Jaiden: It sounds so impaired when I say it out loud.

  • Refuge in Brazenness: Jaiden managed to sneak a reference to Pewdiepie in i of the animations she fabricated for Youtube Rewind 2018. This is noteworthy given that YouTube seems to be trying to distance themselves from him in spite of his popularity following several nasty PR incidents of his, and the short segment would probably not accept fabricated the cut had it been any more obvious. Nevertheless, Jaiden has received praise, with some comments going equally far as to say information technology's 1 of the few redeeming moments of the whole Rewind.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Ari, Jaiden's adorable light-green-cheeked conure.
  • Running Gag:
    • "Burnout & Overworking Yourself" has Jaiden come up with various analogies to make her betoken about overworking, with the gag being that the subject of all the analogies remark that they actually are in the professions she's referring to.

      Jaiden: NO ONE ASKED Y'all!

    • Her mom hyperventilating every fourth dimension something new pops up to trouble her during the stay at Minneapolis.
    • Her Starter killing a Pokémon she was about to catch, which happens at least twice in every Nuzlocke video.
    • In "I Attempted a Two Player Nuzlocke", the running gag that her partner Jacob gets amazing randomized Pokémon encounters (legendaries, fully evolved Pokémon, etc.) while Jaiden herself often gets Com Mons. Then Jacob accidentally kills said amazing encounters before he tin can take hold of them.
    • Too in her Two Player Nuzlocke, NPCs highly favoring Jacob by giving him both absurdly powerful gift Pokémon and absurdly easy battle opponents, while those aforementioned NPCs seem to accept Hate at First Sight confronting Jaiden and gift her Com Mons against obscenely powerful boxing opponants.
  • Sadist Teacher: As told in her "Crazy Substitute Teachers" video, Jaiden had ane instructor who was closer to a armed services officer then a substitute teacher, going equally far every bit to scold Jaiden for not correcting him when he pronounced her name incorrect.
  • Second Identify Is for Losers: Inverted. She actually prefers to be in second than in showtime because of the pressure and judgement of being start.
  • Security Blanket: She's mentioned that she loves stuffed animals, and has a difficult time going to slumber without one.
  • Self-Imposed Claiming: In late 2019, Jaiden completed a Nuzlocke run of Pokémon Ruby-red and animated the story.
  • Shamu Fu: At one bespeak in her video nigh Fossil Fighters, Jaiden fights a group of enemies by hitting them with a pliosaur.
  • Shout-Out:
    • When recounting a babyhood story about a crazy lady calling her Mabel, presumably disruptive her with her own daughter, Jaiden speculates what might've happened to the real Mabel considering how the lady believed she was traveling with a stranger (actually Jaiden'south dad). Who is represented by Mabel from Gravity Falls.
    • In "Injuries and Beingness Ill", the school nurse is shown as Nurse Joy.
    • She plays iDubbbzTV'southward Ricegum Disstrack over Ari dancing.
    • In her fearfulness video, she plays a SpongeBob SquarePants game.
    • In the video nearly the grumpy teacher, she calls the instructor "Mr. All the same-to-be-Thrown-Out Lemon" considering she says that his personality is like that of a rotten lemon that hasn't been thrown out by Oscar the Grouch.
    • When talking virtually apples, she mentions that "braeburn" is a character from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, showing the graphic symbol of Braeburn looking at a braeburn apple.
    • In "Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about" Jaiden mentions that nigh people don't wake up and say "Haha! I'm gonna be super manipulative today" with the stand in character saying this highly resembling Himiko Toga possessing both her fangs and iconic, messy blonde twin buns hairstyle.
    • In "My Babyhood Obsession with Animals", Jaiden talks well-nigh how she got obsessed with birds and portrayed her character standing in front of a bird muzzle. The birds are clearly based on the characters from Homestar Runner.
    • In "Things that Happened While I Grew Up", a pile of spaghetti boxes rains down from out of nowhere. Papyrus's face is visible at the superlative of the pile.
    • In "I Attempted a Speedrun (and got a world record)", which involves doing a Speed Run on Cooking Mama, she begs for forgiveness from Mama, Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima.
    • In "What my trip to Japan was like", she mentioned her dad wasn't taken out by the Japanese mafia and showed him waving happily next to both Dabi and Shigaraki.
    • In the now-removed "I tried to vanquish Minecraft with CallMeCarson", she mentions the moment she learned that YouTube was more than than merely silly clips to share with your friends to brand them laugh, and how the site has "channels, and subscriptions, and nearly importantly people played Minecraft on it." During this segment several popular YouTubers are shown, including Arlo, Scott The Woz, Life of Boris, Gaijin Goombah, and Domics, the latter of which she points out as existence the first storytime animator she watched.
    • In her video on Amazing Island, the opening lines of the Oingo Boingo Brothers' terminate credits song appear in a Wall of Text Jaiden is rapidly mashing through.
      • From the same video, towards the end, Jaiden and her creations are seen doing the Canzoni Preferite trip the light fantastic toe.
  • Sick Episode: "Injuries and Beingness Ill" was about sickness. Jaiden was ill while making it, although she got better for the end carte du jour.
  • The Snack Is More Interesting: Deconstructed in the SoulLink Nuzlocke. Jacob isn't paying attention to his fight in the Goldenrod Radio Tower because he's busy eating a craven sandwich, which causes Obamatar, his Pupitar, to go killed by a Golem's Convulsion, resulting in Jaiden's Abomasnow getting killed, too. The gravestone says information technology all.

    Sorry I got distracted by chicken sandwich, friend :(

  • Soup Is Medicine: In "Injuries and Existence Sick", she illustrates people being sympathetic for sick people simply worrying most contamination with an animation of her giving a sick man a bowl of soup with a stick.
  • Spaghetti Osculation: Lampshaded but ultimately subverted when Jaiden threw Ari his third birthday—Ari had made another bird friend named Babe Jim and the two had a playdate for the party. At 1 point, both birds beginning eating the same strand of spaghetti and Jaiden immediately acknowledges the resemblance to Lady and the Tramp. So, Ari takes the rest of the spaghetti and flies off.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Always since she was a kid, Jaiden had a blimp mouse toy named "Raul", just since she didn't know how to spell Raul at the time, it's spelt equally "Raoole".
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Jaiden'south friend in "The worst thing that'south ever happened to me" upon seeing that Jaiden has hives.

    Jaiden: I'm in so much hurting and discomfort, I can't retrieve straight, and I've been sitting on the floor not being able to move for 30 minutes; what should I do?
    Jaiden's Friend: Go to the hospital?
    Jaiden: You recall and then?
    Jaiden'south Friend: (furrowing brow) Yes, go to the infirmary...
    Jaiden: I dunno, maybe if I only wait a fleck mo-
    Jaiden'due south Friend: (reaches over the split screen and points at Jaiden) Go to the hospital.
    Jaiden: (weakly) Okay...

  • Potent Family unit Resemblance: She draws her parents as older clones of herself and her brother.
  • Take That!:
    • Gives ane to SoFloAntonio (and Facebook altogether) in her video on Impersonation.

      SoFloAntonio: I won't lie, this is definitely me when I'm—
      Jaiden: (dubbing over) Stealing all your difficult piece of work, ya bimbo!

    • "My Nightmare Grouping Project" is a big one towards two unhelpful classmates she had to deal with. Though Jaiden did all of the work, her group totally didn't appreciate information technology, and Jaiden was as well exhausted to call them out on it at the fourth dimension.
    • In "Crazy Substitute Teachers", she remarks that a substitute teacher who failed to react to a girl choking on a carrot should start a reaction aqueduct since he'd fit correct in.
    • In Jaiden's Pokémom Ranger Video, when Team Dim-Sunday detonates a bomb, the bomb resembles a Wii U!
    • Later on the release of "The Mind of Jake Paul," Jaiden has a lot of fun referring to Jake as a sociopath.
  • Taught by Goggle box: In "What my trip to Japan was like", she mentions how her family went to a shrine in Kyoto with many statues of Shinto gods, and she said she already knew nigh Raijin, "because information technology was the inspiration behind Thundurus."
  • Team Rocket Wins: Despite Jan losing every fight he has with Jaiden and Jacob, he does manage to get i modest victory by knocking out their Darphels with Counter, which, fittingly plenty, Jan in his reaction mentions is 1 of the scariest moves to come across in a Nuzlocke.
  • Tempting Fate: Her parents warned her to tie her shoelaces then they didn't go caught in her bike'southward wheels and make her fall over. Young!Jaiden scoffed at the notion...then got her shoelaces caught in her bike's wheels and she cruel over.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: In Jaiden's Pokémon Ruby Nuzlocke, she showtime encounters her Machop picking and wearing flowers. It's a quick indication that the Machop is female.
  • That Came Out Wrong: In "The worst affair that's e'er happened to me", Jaiden describes how wonderful she felt after getting an EpiPen for hives that she hopes the viewer almost dies from an allergic reaction too just so they can feel the glorious magic of an EpiPen. She and so opens her eyes to find a oversupply of audience stand-ins glaring at her.

    Jaiden: I mean... I hope y'all never almost-dice... I'one thousand just sayin'... if you do...

  • They're Chosen "Personal Bug" for a Reason: In "Being Not Direct", Jaiden comes out as aroace (not romantically or sexually attracted to anyone). While Jaiden discusses her struggles with finding this fact out near herself, she as well admits that she's leaving out a lot of personal details on where she falls on the spectrum of aroace people, and says that she will never disembalm it completely.
  • Third Eye: In "What my trip to Japan was like", Jaiden mentions she drank from a waterfall that was supposed to grant people wisdom if they drank from it, and she represents this by drawing herself with a third eye on her brow.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!:
    • In the supercut video for her SoulLink Nuzlocke, Alpharad had named his Bibarel that he managed to catch, paired with Jaiden'southward Jirachi, "Bichi."
    • In the same video, she says this to the aformentioned Jirachi:

      Jaiden: Jirachi, y'all're mine, bowwow!

  • Toilet Sense of humor: A decent part of "Ari'southward Altogether! (over again)" talks nigh Ari's "Morning Poops".
  • Translation Trainwreck: Jaiden downloaded an app designed to translate strange text through a smartphone photographic camera for her trip to Japan. Unfortunately, when she tried to use it, it seemingly translated each give-and-take individually and even translated textures, resulting in complete gibberish.

    Jaiden: I don't speak Japanese, only I'm pretty certain they weren't selling a "surprised egg topping was the commencement time the starting time time in fabric... this wife".

  • Unexpectedly Night Episode:
    • "Why I Don't Have a Face Reveal," which deals with Jaiden's struggles with anorexia and self-esteem bug. It's quite different from many of her previous works. She fifty-fifty lampshades this in the following video, acknowledging that many of her followers only concentrate on the fun stuff and aren't actually into her talking nearly personal things.
    • "I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke" is also much less cheerful than her first Pokémon Ruby Nuzlocke. Part of this is due to the game having a much darker tone, part of it is because in Real Life, she lost her first run against the Elite Iv, yet felt then guilty nearly trying once again that she wove it into the story. In-Universe, Jaiden becomes overwhelmed with guilt and existential doubt due to seeing flashes in a parallel universe of all her Pokémon dying horribly and her quest ending in failure, and then she tin't bask her Pyrrhic Victory.
  • Unexplained Recovery: At the starting time of the SoulLink Nuzlocke, Jacob ends up killing Suicune, and once he and Jaiden head into the Burned Tower, Entei is seen conveying Suicune's corpse on its dorsum. Suicune somehow comes back to life and Jacob catches it in the Water ice Cave, prancing with him and his Azelf.
  • Unluckily Lucky: In her SoulSilver Nuzlocke, Jaiden jokes well-nigh how she often gets Com Mons, which she has to use in ridiculously imbalanced matches confronting Legendary Pokémon... yet manages to hold her ain by the skin of her teeth.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In "I Attempted my First Pokemon Nuzlocke", Jaiden vomits on-screen after defeating Winona.
  • We Named the Monkey "Jack": In her Ruby Nuzlocke video, she named her Taillow after Ari partly considering it's a minor bird and mostly because its PokéDex entry described it as "aggressive and screams when hungry".
  • Why Did It Accept to Be Snakes?: Jaiden is afraid of loud-flushing toilets, her ain easily beingness cold, and video games with time limits.
  • Workaholic: By Jaiden'southward own admission, she works way as well much. Brought to a Deconstruction in "Burnout & Overworking."
    • Jaiden expresses that working hard tin can be admirable, but admiring them and pushing yourself besides hard are very unhealthy things to do. She makes the comparison that you can adore someone who runs fifty miles, just if that same runner was going to run fifty miles without stopping for anything, even their own health, you should non only not admire that, only try to intervene before they hurt themselves.
    • She in one case described a typical work day to a therapist, detailing how she wakes up at 8 in the morn, goes to bed at ane AM, and leaves very little fourth dimension in betwixt that for anything else too work. As soon every bit she describes her schedule, Jaiden remarks that she tin see what the problem is.
  • You All Await Familiar: At the time she was about to end her Cooking Mama 2 speedrun, she had been so invested in the run that everything effectually her, from YouTube, to her breath, to her brain neurons, to every atom in the universe, begun to await exactly like Mama.
  • Your Princess Is in Some other Castle!: In "I Don't Like the Dentist", she talks most how she feared the dentist and did everything she could to avoid having to get an anasthetic injection in her oral cavity for tooth extraction, and after successfully getting her five baby teeth out ends the video simply 3 minutes in, until...

    Jaiden: (interrupts endcard and breaks through the screen) So, final year in June, I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out.

Finger guns!


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